Dizziness and vertigo are common medical issues that can affect appropriately 20% to 30% of the general population. Acupuncture in conjunction with ancient medicinal Chinese herbs are very effective treatments for people who suffer from Vertigo, dizziness, and lightheadedness
The most common causes of dizziness are inner-ear disorders, medications, and alcohol. Dizziness and lightheadedness are often a result of vertigo, which can also be caused by a problem in the inner ear, where balance is regulated. The most common cause of vertigo and vertigo-related dizziness is BPPV, or Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo, which can be a result of metabolic and immune disorders. Acupuncture is known to help treat these diseases and increase your metabolic and immune functionality.
Speak to your Chicago Acupuncturist today at Progressive Acupuncture Wellness Center.