

Acupuncture Chicago | Acupuncture Asthma Treatment

Asthma is a very common symptom treated by Acupuncture. These allergic reactions to the body can be caused by the immune system or respiratory system being overly sensitive. In order for your system to work correctly, it relies on normal communication from the brain and spinal cord. So, if your neck is askew, it can create an improper balance in your system function. The great news is that we can execute an upper cervical examination to conclude if Acupuncture care can severely decrease your asthmatic responses.

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Acupuncture Chicago

Acupuncture Treatments

Alternative Medicine Chicago

Traditional Acupuncture

Ancient Chinese techniques are still considered some of the best in alternative pain relief medicine. Acupuncture will help accelerate your bodies own immune and repair systems.

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Natural Asthma Relief Chicago

Cupping Therapy

Cupping Therapy can treat a range of conditions such as joint pain, muscle soreness, low back pain, upper back and neck pain, shoulder pain, fatigue, and even anxiety and stress.

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Acupuncture Chicago IL


Acupressure is similar to acupuncture, however physical pressure is applied to acupuncture points by hand, by elbow, or with various devices instead of using needles.

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