Upper Back & Neck Pain

Upper Back & Neck Pain

Acupuncture Chicago | Neck and Upper Back Pain Relief

Because your neck is responsible for constantly supporting and moving your head (which can be about 14-16 pounds), it often can get injured. The spinal cords in the vertebrae send nerve impulses to all areas of the body. These large bundle of nerves will run down your arms and upper back. So unfortunately, if your arm is hurting, it could be directly correlated to a problem in the neck.

Some common symptoms in the arms are numbness, tingling, coldness, and achiness. Most common neck and upper back pain is caused by poor posture, stress, disc problems, and subluxations.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms or pain, call Progressive Acupuncture Wellness Center so we can help alleviate the pain!

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Acupuncture Chicago

Acupuncture Treatments

Acupuncture Chicago and Alternative Medicine

Traditional Acupuncture

Ancient Chinese techniques are still considered some of the best in alternative pain relief medicine. Acupuncture will help accelerate your bodies own immune and repair systems.

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Acupuncture Natural Pain Relief Chicago

Cupping Therapy

Cupping Therapy can treat a range of conditions such as joint pain, muscle soreness, low back pain, upper back and neck pain, shoulder pain, fatigue, and even anxiety and stress.

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Acupuncture Chicago IL


Acupressure is similar to acupuncture, however physical pressure is applied to acupuncture points by hand, by elbow, or with various devices instead of using needles.

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